SLA or Service Level Agreement - This document; a contractual Agreement setting out the arrangements for the levels of Services. It lists the Services and the qualities of the Services.
General terms and conditions - The rules and conditions used when entering into an Agreement with Surver. These General Terms and Conditions are enclosed with the Agreement.
Client - The natural or legal person who has entered into an Agreement with Surver or to whom Surver has made an offer.
Surver - Where Surver is written in this document it refers to Surver B.V., which is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under Chamber of Commerce number 90020294.
Agreement - The Agreement between Surver and Client pursuant to which Surver will perform the Service.
MySurver - MySurver is a personal online customer portal where the Client can view and maintain records, order or upgrade services, track project statuses and monitor disruptions. MySurver is also the location where the Client keeps its contact details up to date.
Office hours - Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00. The following public holidays are excluded from opening hours: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday and Boxing Day, King's Day, Ascension Day, Whit Monday and Boxing Day and Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Service - The specific Service Surver agrees with Client, as stated in the Agreement, quotation or MySurver customer portal.
Operational management - Maintaining and operating the system and services running on it, as specified in the Agreement.
Emergency maintenance - Intervention on a situation that poses a direct threat to the stability/continuity integrity of the Service.
Operational management - Maintaining and operating the system and services running on it, as specified in the Agreement.
Availability - The time (in minutes) within the agreed measurement period during which the Service is accessible via the Internet, all as determined in accordance with the measurement method in Article 3.
Response times - The length of time in which a Surver employee responds to an observation or notification of Disruption. Automated responses are excluded here. Diagnosis or resolution of a Disruption are not necessarily the initial response.
Disturbances - All events that are not part of the standard operation of a service and that may cause an interruption or a reduction in service quality.
Downtime - The time period during which there is a disruption of Availability, as a result of which the Service cannot be accessed or used by the Customer.
Force majeure - Where there is a Force Majeure, including but not limited to breakdowns or failure of internet, telecommunications infrastructure, synflood, network attack, DoS attacks, DDoS attacks, power failures, domestic riots, mobilisation, war, transport disruption, strike, lockout business disturbances, stagnation in supply, fire, flood, import and export impediments and in the event that Surver is unable to deliver by its own suppliers, regardless of the reason, as a result of which Surver cannot reasonably be expected to comply with the Agreement.
Technical Support - The Client has the option of sending an email via submit requests for Technical Support. These are activities that the Client would in principle perform itself, but for which the Client calls on Surver's expertise.
Request - A request for Technical Support which has to be paid by the hour. Surver has different rates for additional services. In this SLA, these are described in section 3.8.3.